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For companies (such as banks, insurance companies, mutual welfare associations, public administrations, social security bodies, etc.), which receive every day from their customers, users or partners a mass of information that has to be processed, omnichannel capture technologies can optimize the collection of key customer information.

Through the use of artificial intelligence, it is possible to automatically examine each document sent by a customer and to extract, from letters, emails, files and other sources, the key information necessary to process a file and make a decision, without manual handling, re-entry or error. Every year, around 20 million pages from 250 types of documents are thus processed at Caisse des dépôts with omnichannel capture technologies! Optimization of collection of key customer information is a priority for 59% of decision-makers questioned by analysis firm Markess by exægis (1).

Towards combined processing of documents

Implemented in digital mailrooms, these capture technologies are currently switching from batch processing of documents to combined processing according to analysis firm Forrester (2). With the arrival of digital and rollout of online services, customers and users expect interactivity and simplicity in their relations with a company or a public administration. This is the case when they submit documents (identity card, statement of account, tax notice, etc.) on a Website: they want to know immediately if the supporting documents are going to allow their request to be processed! Meeting the needs of immediacy and customer experience, being able to make use of the quality data right away and speed up business processes therefore becomes crucial. This has led to the response provided by ITESOFT with interactive capture, which makes it possible to immediately examine a document and extract the key information from it. 45% of companies also mentioned the availability of capture tools at end user level as a priority (3)…  

Available right away for managers 

In April 2018, Caisse des dépôts implemented ITESOFT interactive capture. This project is part of the digital transformation process of the Caisse, which aims to put the customer at the center of its activities. The Caisse allows users to file their supporting documents regarding employment on the info-retraite portal. These documents are examined “on the fly” before they enter the document management systems of mandatory, basis and supplementary retirement organizations that are subscribed to the portal. After being digitized in the mailroom, these documents are available to managers within 24 to 48 hours.  With interactive capture, they are available  right away! , explains Caisse des dépôts. Business processes are thus streamlined.

A technology that brings rewards

Recognized for its processing power, ITESOFT interactive capture was rewarded last October at the Grands Prix Banque & Innovation 2018.

Sources: (1) Markess by exægis: Spotlight on “Customer processes to be optimized” (2018) (2) Forrester: “Capture as a service & 6 other trends shape future of capture” (2016)
(3) Markess by exægis: “6 actions to speed up digitization of documents & business processes” (2017)