Our commitment

A key player at the core of technology

Innovation is in our DNA. Our mission is to enable our clients to increase their performance and maximise their competitive advantage through digital automation, while responding to strong regulatory and compliance changes.

We master disruptive technologies thanks to our R&D and our collaboration with the best research laboratories. We offer the most efficient automation, document processing and risk detection solutions on the market. We support business transformation to meet the new challenges of customer and supplier relations. We are an involved technological player, strong in our unique technologies, and rich in our culture of commitment and our values ​​of reliability, agility, openness and innovation.

  • Made in France since 1984
  • Sponsoring Kito de Pavant
  • 650+ customers in 30 countries

Our President' Words

Enabling organisational changes

For 40 years now, ITESOFT has been innovating to offer cutting-edge technologies - thanks to its know-how and its R&D laboratory - to give more freedom and means of action to companies engaged in new transformation challenges.

We develop the most efficient software solutions to support the digital transformation of our customers. We are a demanding tech player that allows us to optimise the business processes of organisations and maximise their competitive advantages.

ITESOFT's ambition is to become the European leader of secure cloud solutions for omnichannel capture, digitisation and agile automation.
From customer to supplier and internal processes, we offer vertical solutions, based on innovative R&D, integrating cutting-edge technologies, with leading partners and business experts.

Didier Charpentier - Founder

Our R&D Commitment

Developing breakthrough innovations

We help organisations become faster, safer, and more efficient. From information capture, intelligent document processing, to fraud detection, all of our solutions are based on disruptive technologies.

  • 20% of turnover invested in R&D every year
  • 100+ scientific publications on AI
  • Collaboration with the best research laboratories

Our business commitment

Providing the best expertise

Our customers rely on the effectiveness of our solutions, which are based on in-depth knowledge of business lines to match your needs.

Our employees know your transformation challenges thanks to their business expertise in a wide variety of sectors and organisations ranging from SMEs to listed groups.

  • 40 years of business expertise
  • 1000+ digitalisation projects
  • 45+ expert consultants

Our Customer commitment

Offering the best of the Cloud

We make the most of the Cloud technology thanks to our shared repositories and learnings to deliver immediate performance. We free you from specialised technical tasks to let you focus on your business.

And because digitalisation projects are transformation projects, we have designed exclusive agile approaches dedicated to SaaS solutions.

  • QuickStart™ iterative implementation
  • Shared repositories: suppliers, documents, controls
  • Continued supervision and optimization of each customer solution

Our Technological commitment

People and data, the core of your digital transformation

We design the most automated solutions for the secure transformation of your data-intensive and human-centric processes. Our approach to digitise and automate aims to free your employees from low-value-added tasks and to use data to help you make informed decisions with confidence.

Our goal is to develop smart solutions and robots that are simple and intuitive to use, and that intelligent data mining provides you with reliable and relevant business information.

  • Exclusive fraud risk detection technologies
  • Responsive user interfaces
  • Resource adjustments to your needs in real time